Билеты BC «Prometei» - BC «Budivelnyk»

BC «Prometei» - BC «Budivelnyk» || Дніпропетровська обл. || 10 october 2021

10 october 16:00
смт. Слобожанське · СК "Слобожанське"
50 - 200 uah

Basketball Superleague Windrose in Slobozhansky!

BC «Prometei» will play the match of the regular championship of Ukraine of the season 2021/2022 against BC «Budivelnik».
The match will take place at 16.00. Come and support your favorite team!

BC «Prometei» - BC «Budivelnyk» || Дніпропетровська обл. || 10 october 2021
10 october 16:00
50 - 200 uah